PHP a recursive acronym for "Hypertext Preprocessor", is an open-source server-side scripting language designed for creating robust and reliable dynamic Web pages for e-commerce and other mission critical Web applications.PHP has introduced number of bonus new features that can help you write better code and gain access to new functionality.Some of them are :
- SimpleXML or SXML is a great extension that makes manipulating XML data a breeze.
- JSON and SOAP support for web service functionality built into PHP 5 through the JSON and SOAP interfaces which makes PHP a viable choice for complex backend applications.
- PDO seems to be one of the great mysteries of PHP 5. it allows developer to access their database of choice using a simple, consistent interface that promotes good coding practices and provides important functionality.
- SPL Standard PHP Library allows userland code to present itself as one of a number of built-in PHP language elements like arrays.
- SQLite is a simple but full-featured DBMS packs all the punch of MySQL in a format that doesn't require a database server and runs on every platform on which PHP 5 can be compiled.
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